Polaris Counseling Office

心理テスト(心理検査)About Psychological Testings


A psychological test conducted by a qualified professional. It can help you know your IQ, help your psychiatrists make diagnoses and make treatment decisions, and help individuals better understand themselves. For More detailed information for English tests click →English


★ We can also mail the results to your doctor. If you wish to have a special certificate such as for joining Mensa, a certificate creation fee (2000 yen) may be charged. Please ask us for more details.

心理検査のご予約、お問い合わせはこちら⬇︎(Application Form)

Ask us for the detailed information and booking your tests here.

受検できる心理テスト (Available Tests)

日本語の心理テスト ⬇︎English test information follows after Japanese in this page⬇︎

心理テスト 所要時間 料金
WAIS(ウェイス)-Ⅳ (16歳以上) 1.5~3時間 25,000円
WISC(ウィスク)-Ⅴ (5~16歳) 1.5~3時間 25,000円
各種証明書(メンサ申請など)   2,000円
CAARS(カーズ) 30分 10,000円
AQ(エーキュー) 20分 8,000円
ADHD診断補助セット「AID(エイド)」 3.5時間 32,000円
ASD診断補助セット「HELP(ヘルプ)」 3.5時間 30,000円
ADHD/ASD診断補助セット「COMP(コンプ)」 4時間 35,000円
SHTP(エスエイチティーピー) 0.5~1時間 10,000円
エゴグラム 1時間 8,000円
MMPI(エムエムピーアイ) 0.5~1時間 10,000円
PF(ピーエフ)スタディ 0.5~1時間 10,000円
SCT(エスシーティ) 0.5~1時間 10,000円
  • IQTest(English)
  • Common tests for diagnosing ADHD
  • ★ADHDの診断のためによく使われるテストについてはこちら★


    WAIS(ウェイス)-Ⅳ 25,000円





    WISC(ウィスク)-Ⅴ 25,000円











    個人の自閉症傾向を測定する目的で開発され、高機能自閉症やアスペルガー障害を含む自閉症スペクトラム障害のスクリーニングにも使用できる検査です。 研究・臨床の双方で国際的に広く利用されており、自閉症の新しい考え方に対応した検査です。

















    S-HTP (エスエイチティーピー)10,000円




    エゴグラム 8,000円




    Psychological Tesings (English)

    IQ Test(English)

    "WAIS-Ⅳ" 25,000yen

    It is a cognitive function test that allows you to know the strengths and weaknesses of yourself from the IQ (FSIQ), which indicates the overall cognitive ability, and the four index scores. Generally speaking, it is a test that can measure "IQ", but in our office, it is used as a clue to find out what kind of difficulties the person has in his/her actual life and how to make a betterment of them. We will explain the results in light of each person's current situation and difficulties. It is also a test adopted in medical institutions and educational fields as one of the judgment materials for diagnosing ADHD and other autism spectrum disorders.


    Required Time:1.5~3hours, Book your feedback session (30 minutes) after 3 weeks of your test day. Your tester will give you the report and a detailed explanation. Feedback sessions are also done online.

    Common tests for diagnosing ADHD/ASD

    ★Diagnosis can only be done by a medical doctor, but many medical institutions use the following tests as necessaly assessment when making a diagnosis. If you would like have a diagnosis or medication, please consult your psychiatrist first.

    "CAARS" 10,000yen

    It is a screening scale for grasping the symptom severity of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This test is often used for screening for ADHD symptoms. It's a useful test not only because its short testing time but also its roles to help you find out how much ADHD symptoms you have and how likely your experiences are to meet your diagnostic criteria.


    Required Time:20min., Book your feedback session (30 minutes) after 2 weeks of your test day. Your tester will give you the report and a detailed explanation. Feedback sessions are also done online.

    "AQ" 8,000yen

    This test was developed to measure individuals' autistic tendencies and can also be used to screen for high-functioning autism and autism spectrum disorders, including Asperger's disorder. It is widely used internationally in both research and clinical settings, and is a test that supports new ways of thinking about autism.


    Required Time:20min., Book your feedback session (30 minutes) after 2 weeks of your test day. Your tester will give you the report and a detailed explanation. Feedback sessions are also done online.

    The following set is a combination of tests that many medical institutions require when diagnosing developmental disorders

    ADHD Diagnostic tool "AID" 32,000yen

    It is a diagnostic assesment tool that combines two typical tests(WAIS-Ⅳ& CAARS)that can be a powerful support for doctors to judge diagnosis of ADHD at a medical institution. You will be able to take both tests together and feedbacks together after 3 weeks. You will be able to receive explanations that reflect each other's results, so that you will have a better understanding of your current situation.


    Required Time:3.5hours, Book your feedback session (30 minutes) after 3 weeks of your test day. Your tester will give you the report and a detailed explanation. Feedback sessions are also done online.

    ASD Diagnostic tool "HELP" 30,000yen

    It is a diagnostic assesment tool that combines two typical tests(WAIS-Ⅳ& AQ)that can be a powerful support for doctors to judge diagnosis of ADHD at a medical institution. You will be able to take both tests together and feedbacks together after 3 weeks. You will be able to receive explanations that reflect each other's results, so that you will have a better understanding of your current situation.


    Required Time:3.5hours, Book your feedback session (30 minutes) after 3 weeks of your test day. Your tester will give you the report and a detailed explanation. Feedback sessions are also done online.

    ADHD Diagnostic tool "COMP" 35,000yen

    It is a diagnostic assesment tool that combines three typical tests(WAIS-Ⅳ& CAARS& AQ)that can be a powerful support for doctors to judge diagnosis of ADHD and ASD at a medical institution. You will be able to take both tests together and feedbacks together after 3 weeks. You will be able to receive explanations that reflect each other's results, so that you will have a better understanding of your current situation.


    Required Time:4hours, Book your feedback session (30 minutes) after 3 weeks of your test day. Your tester will give you the report and a detailed explanation. Feedback sessions are also done online.